Procrastinating The Gardening

Procrastinating The Gardening

I don’t think I’m ever going to catch up. I’m well behind on all the work I had to do in my garden today and I don’t have time after work to get back out there and do any gardening. That means that if I want to get my gardening done, I’m going to have to do it during work and hope that either no one notices or that I do it really fast because of the time pressure that I’m under. They say diamonds are made under pressure so hopefully, that helps me work faster.

Looking back on my decisions over the past few days, I probably shouldn’t have purchased the hybrid tea roses for sale online until I was actually ready to plant them. I’ve caused myself quite a bit of unnecessary stress and put myself under some serious time pressure which isn’t helping my general anxiety levels. Why am I like this? I always do this sort of stuff and then have to rush whatever task I’m going to complete. I do this with everything. Even things I want to do like gardening. I’m obviously just a mess of a person and super unorganised. I wish I wasn’t like this but alas, I am. 

Anyway, if my blog post didn’t make it extremely obvious – I’m in a rush. I shouldn’t even be writing this blog post at the moment. I need to be out in my garden planting the David Austin roses that I just bought. Or, I should probably be working seeing as I’m on the clock. But my boss will never know that I’m out in the garden as long as I reply to messages as they pop up. I don’t have an overly stressful job so it doesn’t really matter if I’m around or not. That probably both suits my personality and adds to my laziness. Oh well.

Okay, I’ve really got to stop rambling now but it’s not that easy to do because I’m such a rambler.