Be Careful Installing Solar

Be Careful Installing Solar

Now I am in hospital, so you can say that it’s been a pretty interesting week so far. Managed to fix the ute by myself on Monday, trialled a new type of low-fat peanut butter on Wednesday, and now I’m in hospital. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m getting anything done for the rest of the week, but I was due for a break anyway, so…yeah.

Don’t play with wires, kids. Even if those wires are connected to solar panels, which you wouldn’t think would be dangerous. But they DO generate electricity. That’s why people have them installed, usually by commecial solar installation companies, and not amateurs such as myself. But I just had to jump the ship and say I could do the wiring myself. Apparently my heart stopped for about twenty seconds, so…wow. That sure is interesting. Not many people can say that they’ve ever been legally dead, even if it was only for a handful of seconds. Fortunately, I’ve taken the moral of the story here to be that, if you want solar panels installed, find a professional and get them to do it for you. Alternatively, just google solar systems.

Hospital is okay. I have some burns, but not the debilitating, defacing kind. No trouble eating, and I can certainly still do everything myself, although everything still hurts like I’ve been working out every single part of my body at once. So it’s been good to have that ‘just been lifting’ feeling, but I’d rather not kill myself via electrocution.

From now on, my contribution to commercial solar arrays for Melbourne industries will be in consultancy, and I’ll have precisely one thing to say: get help from professionals. Please and thank you. Although i wouldn’t mind checking out if I can take some sort of basic electrician course, so I can at the very least stop this sort of thing from happening again.