Window Tinting Escape
I glowered in the darkness of my corner office, rhythmically stabbing a pen into the soft leather that cushioned my desk. ‘Boss!’ my top lawyer called, darting into my office and nearly blinding me with the harsh light of the office as he swung open the door. ‘Close it!’ I growled, but he’d already seen the rage on my face and had begun to swing it shut behind him. ‘What do you want?’ ‘The McIntyre deposition—’ he started to say. ‘Do not mention the goddamned McIntyre deposition to me right now,’ I roared, ‘unless you want to meet the wrong end of my second-favourite letter opener.’ He visibly gulped, and feigned swiping his hair back into place to hide that he was wiping sweat from his brow. ‘It’s just, we need—’ I made a show of reaching for my drawer, and pulling out the aforementioned letter opener. ‘These windows have…
The Rude Boss
My boss is really, really mean. And by mean, I mean horrible. I am planning to quit as soon as I find a new job, but the job market currently isn’t very good for job seekers. All of my friends say just to wait it out, but I’m getting a bit impatient. Every day I dread coming into work simply because I know I’ll have to see and talk to my boss. At the moment he’s using me as a personal assistant, even though I’m actually in charge of the company’s administration and I have actual proper tasks to do each day. He has employed this office glass tinting company to come in and tint all our windows, and I have been assigned as the person to guide them around. I don’t mind the workers themselves, since they are all friendly and professional, and come from a really reputable company.…