Category Archives: Optometry

‘Wait a second, wait a second,’ I put a hand up to stop my husband talking, rubbing my temples with the other. ‘What are you telling me right now?’ ‘I just think there’s a better option here,’ he said. ‘It’s a risky procedure.’ ‘Why didn’t you say this before I’d scheduled it?!’ I growled at him. ‘I didn’t want to upset you!’ he protested. As I glared, I reflected that he might not have a strong, complete grasp on the concept of irony. ‘Well,’ I started, soothing myself with a deep sigh. ‘I’ve been to the best optometrist around Cheltenham, and I’ve been to the worst – all of them have told me that this surgery is safe, routine and the best option to fix my eyes.’ ‘There’s nothing wrong with your eyes!’ he said, rushing over to grab my hand. ‘Uh… I can’t see out of them, Steve.’ ‘I…

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I nervously got behind the wheel, not sure where to look as my driving instructor slid into the passenger seat next to me. He turned his head, looked me up and down and scribbled something on his clipboard. ‘What was that?’ I asked, panicking. ‘Did I forget something already?’ ‘Just your name, Ms. Jones,’ he said with a sigh. ‘And I was checking the box for you not requiring glasses. You don’t, do you Ms. Jones?’ ‘Don’t what?’ ‘Require glasses?’ he repeated. ‘No, no I don’t,’ I said, avoiding the black spots encroaching at the edges of my vision. He arched an eyebrow and jotted something else down on his clipboard. ‘Have you ever visited an optometrist, Ms. Jones?’ ‘Uh, yeah, I guess,’ I said. ‘You guess?’ ‘I mean, not for a few years, not since I was a little kid,’ I said. ‘My eyes seem fine.’ ‘Only seem fine?’…

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